As with all pest, prevention is the best method of control. With very strict legislation protecting all but the most common of birds we can offer several, legal options.
Birds covered include (but are not limited to):
All our bird works are now carried out by Nationwide Netting Ltd - With over 30 years combined experience they are the true experts in their field.
Nationwide Netting Ltd offer free site surveys to access the level of the problem and come up with the best solutions. These can include -
They can also, when legalities allow, arrange their own in house licenced firearms specialists to eradicate problematic flocks.
Their specialist surveyors will happily visit your site and offer you the best, most cost effective means to prevent birds over running your property.
For More information on eradication and prevention Contact Nationwide Netting by Clicking Here!
Pigeons breed wherever there is a food supply abundant enough to support egg development. They are natural scavengers but will also eat grass seeds and berries.
In the UK Pigeons are covered under the 'General Licences' and can be legally culled as adults as well as removing/destroying nests.
Pigeons are carriers of diseases such as Chiamdiosis (similar to influenza) and Psittacosis (similar to pneumonia). Their droppings while fresh other than looking unsightly pose no health risk, but when the have dried they produce spores that can call flu like illness in healthy people, but can cause death in those with lower immunity.
There is a huge range of gull species in the UK, though the most common to cause pest problems are the Common Gull and the Herring Gull (pictured above).
Seagull control is probably the most difficult of all bird control projects - they have much more determination than other bird breeds!
Unlike Pigeons, gulls are not covered under 'General Licences' - as such it is illegal to capture, injure or destroy any gull, or interfere with its nest or eggs. Therefore prevention is the only viable option in controlling these pests.
Corvids (namely Rooks, Crows, Jackdaws, Magpies and Jays) are all considered to be pest bird species. They are all prone to both injure and kill songbirds or game birds' nests and eggs. Most are considered agricultural pests as they tend to congregate in very large flocks and can cause serious crop damage, or injure livestock. They also cause major health and safety issues in urban areas.
In the UK all Corvids listed above are covered under the 'General Licences' and can be legally culled as adults as well as removing/destroying nests.
Control methods vary but can include trapping, shooting, nest destruction and use of various scaring devices and techniques - including the revolutionary new 'fire gel'.
For More information on eradication and prevention Contact Nationwide Netting by Clicking Here!